Monday, December 14, 2009

Can I do candida and colon cleanses naturally without buying expensive supplements?

I would seriously like to do whole-body cleanses but supplements are expensive and I don't really trust a lot that ar on the market today? Does anyone know of natural ways to do candida and colon cleanses?Can I do candida and colon cleanses naturally without buying expensive supplements?
I read alternative therapy books a lot, and from them I've learned a few things:

1) Candida is a nasty conditions that causes a lot of problems.

2) Most doctors don't awknowledge that it exists (and say it's in your head etc).

3) It's really difficult to treat.

One of my friends came up to me and told me that she had candida, and explained how it was messing her up and that the doctors she'd seen hadn't really done s**t (or perscribed anything that work). I asked her if she'd tried fixing her diet and not eating sugar. She said she had somewhat, and it helped a little, but it didn't really make a difference. She also had eaten probiotics, which helped a bit.

I'd recently finished reading a book on oxygen therapies which said candida is exteremely difficult to cure, regardless of what you do, but hydrogen peroxide seemed to actually do the trick very quickly.

They advocated intravenous injection (which is a pain to do), but I thought drinking it might work as well since candida hangs out in the gut. I had some lying around and I'd used it for other stuff, so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying it. Neither of us thought it would work.

I checked back with autumn in a few days, and she said that she didnt think it would work, but she started noticing changes after about 3 days, and within 10 most of her symptoms had gone away (in 2 weeks she said she felt like she as 95% of where she had been before, and ';wow I can't believe how much candida messed me up';).

At some point, she lost the peroxide I gave her, and then went for about a week without it, at which point she noticed she got a lot worse (to about 50% of where she had been before she started, and said ';I hope I don't have to use this stuff for the rest of my life.';). We talked about it, and I theorized that the peroxide would probably need longer to completely kill the candida, but it might also be necessary to inject it to get some of the candida hangingou out in the bloodstream outside of the gut (in all the case studies I'd seen where peroxide worked, it was done intravenously, which we did not yet want to do).

A bit later, while still not having peroxide, she came across a drink called kefir (another strong probiotic one), and started using it. She said that it got her to the last push of 99.9%, and that she planned to use that from now on, and has been fine ever since.

Total sucesses with candida are very rare (a lot of these herbal things people suggest might work on one person, but never have consistent success since the condition is hard to treat), but I thought I'd share that example since I'm certain it happened (first hand experience), and I'd advise trying something similar.

Candida normally occurs when you have too many things in your guy that feed the fungus (ie sugar), or your stomach bacteria are supressed and can't contain the fungus. The latter commonly happens when people are overperscribed antiobiotics (which happens a lot since doctors use antiobiotics zealously). Ie, it's very common for people to get a candida infection immediately after being treated for pneumonia.

In our approach to treating it, we first killed off most of the candida with peroxide. Then once it was mostly gone, we put a lot of friendly bacteria in to put the balance in the gut back to where it should be. I don't think doing the latter will work if the Candida population is there in full force to begin with.

As far as hydrogen peroxide goes, the stuff is harmless good for you if a few safey measures are followed:

1) It has to be in a very low concentration (if you drink 30% you will most likely die and it burns skin if you touch it, whereas .05% helps your health a lot).

2) It can't have toxic additives in it (most peroxide sold does)

3) It needs to be drank away from meals (when you eat the stomach acids and proteins in gut can turn it into OH-, which is bad for you).

The procedure she followed was very simple.

1) Get a little bit of food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide* from me (you can buy it online), and an eyedropper.

*It should be stored in the freezer if not used.

2) Put 1 drop of 35% in a glass of water and drink it on the first day as far away from meals as possible.

2) 2 drops the next day

3) Keep on increasing* until it feels like you've done as much as feels comfortable (10 is the absolute max, she settled at 7).

Some people increase at a slower rate, such as 1 drop for a week, then 2 for the next instead of 1 per day.

4) once it feels peroxide has cleaned you out, switch to kefir (you cannot use both at the same time, since peroxide will kill the recently added probiotics)

I'm not an expert on probiotics, but I do know their quality greatly varies from source to source, so you need to make sure you get a good brand. All I can say is that Kaffir seems to work well. If you don't want to deal with this, you can also just keep on using peroxide, or consult a doctor that works with oxygen therapies (and say can give you intravenous injections).

Sometimes when you use peroxide, it will detoxify your system, and cause a lot of crap that was stored in your to come out quickly. This can be unpleasant for a few days (toxic flush syndrome), but once it passes you feel a lot better than you did before.

Everything I said can also be done with ozone, and ozone colonics for instance work really well (as does drinking ozonated water). However, I do not have personal experience with either and both are more expensive than peroxide (and you asked for cheaper approaches). Oxygen is really good for getting the body to purge and flush stuff out, and if you follow a peroxide regimen it will most likely get a lot out of your system.

Anyhow, I hope this helps. Candida is very difficult to cure and has a profound effect on people's lives, but hopefully if you follow this you'll be able to get better. Considering how much it helped my friend, I figure it's my duty to pass the knowledge on.

*Eating foods with a lot of fiber also helps clean the colon out.Can I do candida and colon cleanses naturally without buying expensive supplements?
sea salt and water
Buy an ';enema bucket with a tube to attach'; from a medical supply store. Brew caffeinated coffee, mild. Let it sit until it is lukewarm. Use some Vitamin E oil to moisturize the tip of the enema line. Fill the bucket with the coffee (this is best done in the bathroom right next to the toilet)...insert the tube into your rectum, let all the coffee flow into your colon, lie on your right side, and hold it in as long as you can, massaging your tummy, before letting it all out in the toilet ! (I usually sit the bucket on the top of the toilet tank and lie on the floor on a towel....helps the coffee flow more quickly into you.)

This will help detox your liver...the caffeine in the coffee does that, and it also most definitely will clean out your colon. If you experience cramps, just means you need to do it more than once! Means you have some blockages. This helps with candida too. Don't worry if you cannot hold a full bucket full of coffee the first gets easier the more often you practice it. The coffee enemas are for can use

lemon water, lukewarm, just for cleansing, but they are not nearly as effective as the coffee!
go to a smoothie king or gnc, buy aloe vera water. follow the directions on the bottle. that's what aloe vera water is for, it cleanes you out and it is very cheap. the brand does not matter. once a week go on a fast. drink a ton of water, take one laxative pill and drink a glass of v-8 for breakfast lunch and dinner. it will clean you out good and you will feel less tired, less grumpy less bloated and a little thinner.
Yup. Follow the following guidelines:

1. Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fiber to cleanse your body of toxins.

2. Avoid complex carbohydrates and sugars as they ';feed'; the Candida yeast.

3. Eat lots of probiotics like yogurt and cottage cheese to naturally fight the yeast infection.

4. Apply Tea Tree Oil to Candida affected areas.

5. Add grapefruit seed extract to your diet.

6. Eat lots of leafy greens
One of the best colon cleanses for beginners is a four day apple juice cleanse. Drink as much fresh apple juice (raw if possible - you may have to make it yourself) as you need to fight the hunger, dilute about half, as it will give you the runs, as it cleans out the colon, stay close to a restroom. Most fruit and vegetable juices will have a laxative effect on the body.

Apple is great because it loosens the fresh (within about a month to six months) waste that is compacted in the colon, it absorbs toxins and carries them out of the body, and softens gallstones so they pass out of the body easier (if they are very large they may get stuck, so a liver or gallbladder flush may be needed, to relax the ducts, so they [the stones - there can be hundreds] can pass quickly and painlessly).

As for candida, Pau D'arco and Garlic is are great herbs to start with to kill the yeast, and lots of acidophilus or probiotics to replace the good bacteria which keeps the yeast in check, than bananas, onions and garlic to feed the good bacteria.

It's a cheep way to start, there are a lot of other things that you can try, some of the combinations may work faster and may have things in them to lessen the effects of the cleanse (some you can eat normally with) and the effects of the dieing yeast.

If you would like more information on colon cleansing, candida or liver and gallbladder let me know, I have spent the last twenty years studying them and improving my health.

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