Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is diahhrea good in anyway? In some cultures, they say that it cleanses away any impurities in the body.?

In a way. It's your body's responce to something that it wants to be rid of. The problem is that in doing it, your body will not stop when it becomes a danger to your life. In other words, your body will continue to do it, even when you are dangerously dehydrated from it. So, it's your fluid status that can be in danger and is of our first concern as healthcare providers. Next, we want to know the cause. There are alot of causes.....and that will determine out next concern. So, diarrhea is not considered a 'good' thing.Is diahhrea good in anyway? In some cultures, they say that it cleanses away any impurities in the body.?
short term it fine if it happen alot its not goodIs diahhrea good in anyway? In some cultures, they say that it cleanses away any impurities in the body.?
Diarrhea is a common problem that occurs when the body moves stools through the intestines before water can be reabsorbed from them. The body is often attempting to clear away viruses or bacteria that may be irritating the intestine. This is the most common cause of diarrhea. So in a way, this type of diarrhea is good. However, if prolonged can cause dehydration and serious medical problems.

For some individuals stress or anxiety may be the culprit. Certain food types may also trigger diarrhea.
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