Go to marijuana.com and hit the forums, look for urine testing and you will get all sorts of info, I did and passed the screen with their suggestions and my career is back on track. Good luck.What is the best product or any product you know of that cleanses your system of THC?
jack daniels, purchased from the bottle shop.
oh is that what THC means?
I've been smoking the wrong ****!
DUH?!? that's what that is?
couldn't stop smoking before that drug test, could you? nothing does it fast, unless you are really skinny. THC stores in the fat cells and as such takes extremely long to metabolize.....people with a low percentage of body fat will typically clean out faster, but the converse and ironic thing about that is people who are chronic, daily smokers have a metabolism that has adapted to the influx of THC and will metabolize it faster than those who are casual users.
if you have to go soon for the test, the drink water water water and hydrate you system to the max, and DON'T go early in the morning. the urine in your first few voids of the day is the most concentrated and as you go through day it will get less and less concentrated.
most of the over the counter cleansers are just BS, but there are a few out there that claim to get good results....but the best way is just to stop for a couple of weeks and don't get caught unprepared
Drink tons of water, like 15 glasses a day and it should clean it up, or at least cover up your urine test.
Just drink cranberry juice.
There are none.
Read the link. Ignore the ads for detox crap. Just that. Crap.
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