Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do you cleanse and program a crystal or stone?

You can cleanse and program crystals with pure focused intention. You can program practically any earth object, but crystals are the most common, they could retain information better. Understanding Matrix Energetics will allow one to expertly project focused intent towards anything.How do you cleanse and program a crystal or stone?
I would not have chosen any of these answers as obviously none of the respondants knew much about the subject matter. Report Abuse
How do you cleanse and program a crystal or stone?
You can clean it with a cloth and warm water. Crystals and stones are non-mechanical and inanimate objects. You can't program a rock to do anything other than serve as a paperweight or something pretty to look at.
All things are vibrational energy, period... Everything, it just depends upon the frequency that makes up what makes us.

Structures, like crystals of various elements, even water structures are all passive vibrational energies.

Thus, programming passive energies are really not going to stick for someone else who encounters these passive molecular structures.

They are always in flux, depending on what and whom encounters it.

Therefore, I don't think you can program passive structures to have a different frequency unless you use vibration against vibration that is in ';tune'; with that molecular structures vibrational energy.

It's purely scientific as scientists have demonstrated this in the past and in the present.

However, I don't believe you can psychically program a crystal to react to another in healing emotionally. That is too vague and it's unscientific. Meaning, the power of suggestion like a placebo effect just because you hold a crystal and meditate on it.

In contrast, as I stated before, there is a scientific approach to manipulating passive vibrational energy by tuning exact frequencies and the same can be used to manipulate other living frequencies, like cells.

For example, in surgeries we use today. A vibrational frequency shatters gall stones instead of going under the knife or shattering cancer cells like Raif's discovery that was stifled for curing people in the 1940's.

I like crystals for their decorative and peaceful appearance in the home. They took eons to form and are quite beautiful, but I don't think you can program them with your mind.
I don't know about programming but you are meant to cleanse a crystal in rainwater
LOL. You can talk to it until it understands you.

(';pure focused intention'; -- ROTFLMAO!!)
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